Resume/CV Transmission Form
If you have taken the JLPT before, please select the appropriate rank from the pull-down menu.
If you have never taken the JLPT, please read the definition and select the appropriate rank.

JLPT Description
N1 Able to understand Japanese used in a wide range of situations.
N2 Able to understand Japanese used in everyday situations as well as Japanese used in a wider range of situations to some extent.
N3 Able to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to some extent.
N4 Able to understand basic Japanese.
N5 Able to understand basic Japanese to some extent.
None If you do not speak any Japanese.
Files up to 200 MB can be uploaded by pressing the "Browse" button. If the file you can upload is larger than 200 MB, please save it to Google Drive.Then, please grant access permission to "Anyone with the link" and paste the URL in the remarks field.
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV
Please select your resume/CV